The bridge hands problem on programming praxis in Common Lisp.
- (defvar deck
- (loop for n from 0 to 51
- collect n))
- (defun shuffle (deck &optional results)
- (if (not deck)
- results
- (let* ((num-cards (length deck))
- (card (nth (random num-cards) deck)))
- (shuffle (remove card deck) (cons card results)))))
- (defun deal (shuffled-deck)
- (loop for i from 0 to 3
- for deck = shuffled-deck then (subseq deck 13)
- for hand = (subseq deck 0 13)
- collect hand))
- (defconstant empty-hand
- (list (list) (list) (list) (list)))
- (defun add-to-hand (my-hand card)
- (let ((suit (floor card 13)))
- (setf (nth suit my-hand) (cons card (nth suit my-hand)))
- my-hand))
- (defun build-hand (card-list)
- (let ((my-hand (copy-tree empty-hand)))
- (loop for card in card-list do
- (setf my-hand (add-to-hand my-hand card))
- finally (return my-hand))))
- (defun shuffle-deal-build ()
- (loop for card-list in (deal (shuffle deck))
- collect (build-hand card-list)))
- (defun translate-card (card)
- (let ((card-strings
- #("2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "J" "Q" "K" "A")))
- (aref card-strings (rem card 13))))
- (defun print-suit (card-list suit)
- (let ((sorted (sort card-list #'>))
- (suit-strings #("C: " "D: " "H: " "S: ")))
- (format t "~a" (aref suit-strings suit))
- (loop for card in sorted do
- (format t "~a " (translate-card card)))))
- (defun print-hand (my-hand)
- (loop for suit from 3 downto 0 do
- (progn
- (print-suit (nth suit my-hand) suit)
- (format t "~%"))))
- (defun print-all-hands (shuffled-deck)
- (loop
- for hand in shuffled-deck
- for tag in '("NORTH" "EAST" "SOUTH" "WEST")
- do
- (progn
- (format t "~a~%" tag)
- (print-hand hand)
- (format t "~%"))))
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