(divisors z) → (Listof Natural)
z : Integer
Returns a list of all positive divisors of the integer z. The divisors appear in ascending order.
Another reason why Racket rocks, because optimizing trial-division for large numbers.
It makes solving the Fermat Exponent problem easy:
Apparently, there was a period of time in Beethoven's transition from classical formalist to bombastic romanticist (possibly accompanied by severe hearing loss and disillusionment with Napoleon) when musicians said, (translated from 19th-century German), "What the heck, Beethoven! This isn't music! My kids could write this!"
- Dragon Con followup: Female heroes and femininity | Feministe
- Charles Blow on bisexuality, gender, and fluidity Sexual Attraction and Fluidity - The New York Times
- Worth thinking about: Crossdreamers: Felix Conrad Talks about Transgender Research, Crossdreaming and Beach Clubbing
- I'm about halfway through this article on nonduality: True Nonduality and the Neo-Advaita - You are not done yet!
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