A Number Puzzle | Programming Praxis Racket Solution
- #lang racket
- ;Find a 10-digit number, with all digits unique, such that the
- ;first n digits of the number are divisible by n. For instance,
- ;in the 3-digit number 345, the 1-digit prefix, 3, is divisible by 1,
- ;the 2-digit prefix, 34, is divisible by 2, and the 3-digit prefix,
- ;345, is divisible by 3.
- (define (unique-digits? n)
- (define (loop n digits)
- ;;exit condition 1 n = 0
- (if (= n 0)
- #t
- (let [(x (modulo n 10))]
- ;;exit-condition 2 we've seen this digit
- (if (set-member? digits x)
- #f
- (loop (quotient n 10) (set-add digits x))))))
- (loop n (set)))
- (define (gen-candidates current n)
- "Generate a list of candidates from the current value"
- ;;find values using (current % n)
- ;;and iterating by n.
- (define next (* current 10))
- (define start
- (cond
- ;;catch leading zeros
- [(= n 1)
- 1]
- [(= 0 (modulo next n))
- next]
- [else
- (+ next (- n (modulo next n)))]))
- ;;generate our list from start to (current * 10) + 10
- ;;step by n
- ;;filter for unique digits.
- (filter unique-digits? (range start (+ 10 (* 10 current)) n)))
- (define (solutions max-length)
- (define results (list))
- (define (loop curr n)
- (if (> n max-length)
- (set! results (cons curr results))
- (for [(x (gen-candidates curr n))]
- (loop x (+ n 1)) results)))
- (loop 0 1)
- (reverse results))
- (time (solutions 10))
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